UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator
What's a UPS unit? What precisely a diesel backup generator? Why are they present in each and every data center facility?
UPSs and diesel generators are two backup systems which are kept by website hosting companies inside their data centers in the event that there are interruptions in the main power source or the current is unstable and unable to sustain the appropriate operation of the web servers based within the facility. UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply or Uninterruptible Power Source and it's an efficient battery which works non-stop. It's connected to both the power network and the servers at all times, so if the power stops, the UPS is already working, which prevents the machines from going down even for a second. The diesel generator is literally an engine which can provide you with the required power to keep the servers operational for a longer period of time. In case there is an outage, the UPS provides the required time for the diesel generator to start and then to take over until the main source is restored.
UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Shared Hosting
We offer shared hosting in three of the biggest data centers globally. They are located in the U.S., in the UK and in Australia. As data protection and server uptime are our priorities, all three facilities have numerous backup systems against electrical power outages. A few diesel generators can keep the hosting servers up and running for hours or even for a few days and each and every machine that is part of our cutting-edge cloud platform includes its own enterprise-class UPS to keep it functional until the generators start working. This setup is one of the reasons why you can easily guarantee a 99.9% web server and network uptime, so if you host your websites in a shared account with our company, you shall take full advantage of a fast and extraordinary service and never having to worry about any disruptions due to power outages.