SPF, which is short for Sender Policy Framework, is an e-mail safety system, that is is intended to validate whether an email message was sent by an authorized server. Using SPF protection for a given domain will stop the counterfeiting of emails made with the domain. In layman's terms: enabling this attribute for a domain name creates a specific record in the Domain Name System (DNS) which contains the IP addresses of the servers which are allowed to send e-mails from mail boxes under the domain. As soon as this record propagates globally, it exists on all of the DNS servers that direct the Internet traffic. When an e-mail message is sent, the initial DNS server it goes through verifies if it comes from an accredited server. If it does, it's sent to the destination address, however when it doesn't come from a server listed in the SPF record for the domain, it's discarded. In this way nobody can mask an e-mail address and make it appear as if you're sending spam messages. This technique is also referred to as email spoofing.

SPF Protection in Shared Hosting

When you host your domain names in a shared hosting account with us and we handle the emails for them, you will be able to activate SPF protection for all of them with several clicks in your Hepsia Control Panel. This service is accessible in a separate section where you're able to view which domains are already secured. For those that aren't, you can activate the SPF protection option and set up a variety of things during the process - the hostnames of the mail servers that are permitted to send messages from your mailboxes, the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the servers, and even to create a rule that emails can be sent only if your domains use our MX records. The aforementioned choice is the most secure one, but you can use it when we manage the e-mail addresses for your domain names and you're not using some other e-mail service provider. The newly created records will propagate within 24 hours and nobody will be able to fake the FROM field in an e-mail with your email addresses.